PREGNANT meeeeeee!
I am great as usual.. I got a belly so big and heavy, like never before. (measuring 46 inches and over 140 lbs..) Nothing fits me to wear... (but all my body is lean as usual. imagine watermellon stuck in the middle of me. heehee)
I am having annoying braxton hicks on and off. I am tired and needing more sleep than ever. I had some mucus plug coming out (or it isn't, as it was snow white no tinge of blood) I can't wait to have this baby out now! I am sooooo tired and fed up being pregnant. It feels like being in jail in my own body. I am approaching 41 weeks

Same like with my first baby 4.5 years ago, which was 41+ weeks, I guess this what will happen now.
Everyone are making me crazy. All are emailing and calling me: Had you had your baby yet? How are you feeling? and them making that face expressioned with that worried expression.. I am sure next week they all are gonna to start asking me: when are you going to be induced..

Well, just watch me, I will carry this baby until BARMITZBAH!