Why I chose unassisted homebirth

I view birth as private as conception

by the way, nothing is 100% guaranteed. Babies DO die in hospitals. Actually the USA statistics are bad compared to the other countries. Many industrialized countries statistics are much better than here. Interestingly these countries have more homebirths that here.
Technology is great, but I don't appreciate how they abuse it in normal births.
All of the 'what ifs' are in my humble opinion (or not so humble

There are some practices that are harmful to the mother and baby:
Early cord clamping
All birth rituals in the hospitals
Do you want to learn 'do yourself homebirth? Look at Online birth class
There is a hospital birth story which is my first baby's birth story.
And finally, if you want to join our group to meet like minded unassisted homebirthers mothers its in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/c-birth
See ya there!
and finally: here is my second baby's birth story
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