Hi there, my name is Sara Kohn. I am married to a great guy. God blessed me with 2 amazing children ages 3 and 1. We are health conscious; co-sleeping, non vaccinating, homebirthing, using natural remedies for colds.. I like to collect and share useful articles about health and enviromental safetly, as I post it here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

scented Candle Rescue

we went to whole food market. I was so nausesous. the store stank, mixture of rotten foods and bad breath .. parrrhhhagghhh! I almost threw up, but then all sudden I smelled something that made all better. My sense of smell became almost normal, and my nausea turned off instantly. I followed the trail of the smell until I reached a shelf with scented candles. I found the correct candle by sniffing. I grabbed onto it and bought it. now the candle and me are inseperable.. lol.
This candle is cinnamon scent. what is good about
it, its unperishable. I just sniff it every time I feel a little nauseous. But I hope it will help me through all first trimester.

Update: Few days later I couldn't bear that scent anymore! It nauseated me so I tried other scent: Egyptian musk.. Its good enough but I am still so nauseous. I found another remedy that seems to help: Taking fiber to get going! All that stuck traffic in my tummy is moving, so I am less nauseaous. I just have to avoid offensive smells. So far I am at 8 weeks since concetption and didn't throw up! YAY that is a change from my first and second pregnancies, which I vomited.. ugh!

One thing I learned my painful lesson: I should have been done liver cleanse. If I had been doing it before, I would be not nauseous. My friend did liver cleanse just before she got pregnant and wow she isn't nauseous. Only tired. Boy, I am so jealous of her!

I can't wait until after birth to be able to do it. The nausea from pregnancy is mere symptom of clogged liver and gallbladder. It full of fatty stones and the body has higher need to clean out the toxins to protect the fetus in the first 12 weeks... And the modern life and environment makes it clogged.. uggghh. That's why so many women are nauseous all pregnancy and not 'just' the first trimester. They have it worse. In next posting I am gonna to post how to do liver cleanse.

My family, AAAARGGH!!

My family still don't know I am pregnant but they had this arguement with me. Same old story. sigh.. My grandpa told me: don't do this
again the birthing alone thing! My grandma said: get a midwife to be in the same house as backup to watch, and in the other room you birth alone. (thank you for your compromising! I can't help but being scarcastic!)
My mom says: I have only one daughter, and you are risking your lives as well as the baby's! (Her practicing her expertise in guilt trips
I said its not a issue for discussion!
My mom says: at least call a midwife who will be just there in case!
I said: you just don't get it. what if the baby is breech, she will be not allowed to 'let' me birth at home in that case! Then my granma says: we all are afraid over you!

I dread the day my tummy will bulge! and I can't hide from them forever! I visit them now as much as possible when i don't show so when I'll have to hide I will be able to push off as much as possible, but they will find one day.. they will never leave me alone! They will try to impose their fears on me!

Why I chose unassisted homebirth

I view birth as private as conception When birth is done alone and peacefully it goes smoothly and not erractic with problems showing up all sudden like the hospital births and even some of the homebirths. True, homebirth with midwife is more peaceful thatn in hospital and safer, but when it done without intruders at all it goes even more smoothly. When one listens to her intuition she can tell if anything is not right so she can seek medical help. It doesnt' go all sudden emergency that is too late in these cases.
by the way, nothing is 100% guaranteed. Babies DO die in hospitals. Actually the USA statistics are bad compared to the other countries. Many industrialized countries statistics are much better than here. Interestingly these countries have more homebirths that here.
Technology is great, but I don't appreciate how they abuse it in normal births.
All of the 'what ifs' are in my humble opinion (or not so humble opinion)
There are some practices that are harmful to the mother and baby:
Early cord clamping
All birth rituals in the hospitals
Do you want to learn 'do yourself homebirth? Look at Online birth class
There is a hospital birth story which is my first baby's birth story.
And finally, if you want to join our group to meet like minded unassisted homebirthers mothers its in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/c-birth
See ya there!
and finally: here is my second baby's birth story

I am pregnant and misearble!

I feel just like whining. I am fed up being nauseous (not bad that I have to vomit NOW but its a nagging nausea, everything I eat tastes nasty and all smells are nasty Image also I am so tired and lazy. no energy to do anything.Image I find myself doing nothing, absulotely nothing. My husband is sad I didn't make dinner on time, and I feel bad for being such a lazy ass. but I am soo tired I am so nauseous, I feel so yucky awww what can I do? and I just feel like whining nonstop! WAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA!Image