who didn't see our kids refuse to eat? There are so many times we beg our children to take a spoon from whatever we put infront of them. We end up wondering how our kids can be running there, seemingly living on breathing air alone!
Our kids have natural hunger and satifcation system which didn't ruin yet by conditioning from parents pressure. Our kids know when to eat and when to stop to eat. We can relax and let them eat when they are hungry. If we will be relaxed our kids will have their sense of hunger and satisfaction working well into adulthood, thus, preventing many of overweight problems.The way to go is to put nutritious snacks on the table, like cut veggies, cut fruits, cut american cheese. let them to choose to pick it. If they don't eat the food offered in the meals, we can take the plates away with no guilt. If later they change their minds we will not need to get out of our comfort and re-prepare that fancy meal again. They can eat the snacks that are there.
Now to our issue: how can we restore our ruined hunger satisfaction sense?when we are truely hungry, most foods taste great. We have to chew throughfully, and taking our time eating the foods. Never swallow if the food isn't chewed properly. If we do it, our stomachs will be unable to digest it unproperly. It can be stored undigested in our stomachs and in our colon. It can acclumate preventing us absorbing nutrients. Therefore rendering us nutrient deprived, and hungry on full stomachs!
The other times we have to avoid eating are times of great emotional stress, excitment, or great upset. In these times our bodies are flooded with adrenaline, which gets blood to our feet to prepare us to times of danger. But our stomachs don't have the blood, and the digestive juices are not extracted.. which can cause the food to be undigested. Undigested food rot inside of us causing us alot of health problems.
When you eat, the food has to taste great. Imagine yourself soo thirsty. water tastes soooo good! It has to be like this. hunger is a great spice, and taste enhancher.When that great taste is changing slightly and the taste isn't so great, it means you finished eating what you need. Now its the time to STOP eating.
You don't need to eat until you are choke full of food. Eat until that sense of great taste is stopping.your hunger satisfaction sense will improve in time. And its one of the main factors in losing weight!
good luck!